Hey everybody, Philip here. Sad to say it's true. After only a little over a month, I've got Covid once more. I picked it up in Ohio while there for my girlfriend's belated college graduation (she finished 2020, but the same virus delayed her ceremony two years).
Presently, the two of us are posted up in a ground-floor apartment in Little Italy in Cleveland, known to Airbnb as "Uncle Vinny's Place." An odd setup, but we're comfortable enough.
Anyways, that's why there was no Insight yesterday, but I'm on track to have one out by Friday. Until then, figured I'd send a midweek digest of everything from the past two weeks, in case you missed anything.
If you're interested in learning all about Northern Ireland and the most pressing challenges to democratic accountability and stability there, I wrote two companion pieces on exactly that, while Harry has good breakdowns of issues from the US, Philippines, Sudan, and Russia! Plus, we had two great conversations: one with a professor and author on the concept of progress and another with a former CIA counterterrorism analyst about democracy promotion. There's something for everyone here!
Last week:

The week before: