public Europe , Governance , Social Justice Northern Ireland: Weaponizing a Peace Agreement | Insight A monumental election may lead to paralysis as terms designed to foster peace and cooperation are wielded in power politics.…
public U.S. , Rule of Law Cawthorn in Crisis: Private Vice, Public Mediocrity | Insight The social media generation’s first House member is showing how hard it will be to balance privacy with public service.…
public Europe , Dem. Decline , Rule of Law Can the EU Bring Hungary to Heel? | Insight Hungary’s rocky relationship with the EU is about to get rockier. But could current tensions initiate an exit?…
public U.S. , Dem. Decline , Rule of Law , Coloring Inside the Lines | Insight New York Dems have been denied their gerrymander. They’ll need to find more productive ways to push the boundaries.…
public U.S. , Governance , Interim Interruptions | Insight The Senate is making it harder to fill key posts in the government. The ready fix may not be a fix at all.…
public World , Governance , Foreign Pol. Putin May Yet Be a Master Strategist | Insight The invasion of Ukraine has driven the West together and heightened militarization. It’s not perfectly clear that’s a good thing.…
public Africa , Governance , Pub. Policy Mudslides and Mistrust | Insight As South Africa reels from devastating floods, a lack of trust between officials and citizens could make recovery difficult.…
public U.S. , Governance Primary Exhaustion | Insight The Democrats' decision to change up the primary calendar is a welcome change. But primaries need bigger reforms.…
public Europe , Governance , Rule of Law Does “Europe” Include Ukraine? | Insight EU leadership is making Ukraine seem like a shoe-in. That dodges some hard—but vital—questions.…