Harry and Philip wrap up their series on international institutions and the future of peace by discussing the decline of American hegemony and what it means for international order. Can international institutions pick up the slack? What does the future hold?
Further Reading:
- "Why did Trump end the WTO's Appellate Body? Tariffs.," by Chad P. Brown, for Peterson Institute for International Economics.
- "What Are the Trends in Armed Conflicts, and What Do They Mean for U.S. Defense Policy?" by Thomas S. Szayna et. al., for RAND.
- "The Unipolar Moment," by Charles Krauthammer in Foreign Affairs.
- Harry's Insight explaining the impact of domestic politics on US foreign policy
- Philip's Focus on China's admission to the WTO
Don't miss the previous episodes in this series:
The Future of Peace, Part I | Bird’s Eye
Join Harry and Philip as they begin a discussion of international institutions and how they contribute (or fail to contribute) to global peace.

The Future of Peace, II: IR Theories | Bird’s Eye
Harry and Philip break down three major theories of international relations and discuss which seems to have the best grip on things.

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